Sep 12, 2011

A Whole Heart: Adahlyn's Story

Today's story is from Adahlyn's mama, Alycia.  We have two days left in this drive and only need to raise about $1,200 more.  You can give online by clicking the ChipIn button on the right side of this blog.  All funds go directly to NDFH.  Or you can give offline by mailing a check to New Day's office in Texas.  Just include a note that says it is for the medical fund drive, and drop me an email so that I can include that total in the final amount, as it won't show up on the ChipIn bar.

Our daughter, Adahlyn was born in the coal capital of China. The city where she lived the first 13 months of her life is known as the "most-polluted" in the world. Because of the coal mines, there are a lot of birth defects. Adahlyn was born with "Holt-Oram Syndrome," roughly translated as heart-hand syndrome. She was listed as a special needs child. She has a repaired ASD (heart condition) and has a "radial clubbed hand." That basically means that she is missing the radius bone in her right forearm and as a result, that arm is shorter and her hand curves in at the wrist. Two of her fingers on her "little hand" are fused and she has no thumb.

Thanks to donors around the world, Adahlyn had her heart surgery soon after she arrived at New Day Foster Home. Last week, I took her in for an in-depth echo cardiogram. Her cardiologist was amazed at how wonderful her heart is doing. The best news? Adahlyn doesn't have to go back to the cardiologist for 2 years!

While she was listed as a special needs child, she is definitely not needy! She is smart, sweet and funny! She learned English in less than 5 months, and continues to amaze us. We know that she was well-loved while she was at New Day because she is so loving to us. A friend of mine was impressed at how seamlessly she fit into our family. It truly is like she has always been with us. We cannot imagine our life without her now.

Before Adahlyn came to New Day Foster Home, her caregivers believed that no one would want to adopt her due to her "defects." After we got our adoption approval, we discovered that there were 3 other families that wanted to bring her home!

At New Day, Adahlyn learned that she is a wonderful gift from God. She learned that she is well loved, and cared for, and that she is worthy of affection. New Day Foster Home and the donors that helped her have heart surgery will always be a part of our extended family. We cannot see her without thanking God for allowing her to be a part of the New Day family.

The gifts of love and health that Adahlyn received while she was at New Day Foster Home will be with her all her life. We are so very grateful to each and every one who gives to "the least of these." Thank you!


Laine said...

We love you Adahlyn!!!! You will ALWAYS be special to us...our Kimmie especially wants to see you again!

Thank you NEW DAY for giving Adahlyn her chance to THRIVE! And from the looks of that adorable picture, she is not only thriving, but truly ENJOYING LIFE TO THE FULLEST!!!!!

Gwen said...

I'm loving all these stories! For some reason the Chip in button won't show up on my browser. Weird, since it used to but lately it's not.
Is there another way to access Chip in? I could mail a check if I can't figure out the glitch.

If you have ideas about Chip in my email is wride1509"at"


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